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Garage Door Opener Repair

With over 9 years of experience providing garage door opener repair services, we have the expertise, reliability, and affordability you’re looking for.

  • We provide service and repair for most types of garage door openers.
  • We keep well-stocked with a variety of garage door opener parts.
  • We offer you a free, in-home, no-obligation estimate.
  • Low rates and same day repair service.

Garage door openers we diagnose and repair:

All parts are of high quality and have a manufacturer warranty to complement our own labor warranty.


Garage Door Opener Repair and Tips.

Springs lose their tension over time. A routine adjustment is recommended for every 2000-3000 cycles. Not adjusting the springs will result in the loss of counterbalance, and the garage door will become much heavier than the opener was originally designed to lift. This is a direct result of a gear or other garage door opener part’s failure.

  • Worn-out Gear
  • New Gear

garage door opener repair                   garage door opener repair

Some manufacturers are no longer on the market, in which case replacement parts may no longer be available.

garage door opener repair                   garage door opener repair

Tip: To perform a semi-annual balance check: disconnect your door from the opener, and you should be able to raise the door without resistance. It should roll smoothly along the tracks and remain stationary at the mid-point of travel; if the door slides down, the spring tension needs to be adjusted.