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Garage Door Spring Replacement Service

How do I know when my garage door spring is broken?

Most springs, when broken, will produce a loud sound. In most cases, springs will break when the door is entirely closed because this is when the springs are under the highest tension. Opening the door will be almost impossible due to excessive weight. The garage door opener will lift the door a little bit and stop a couple of inches from the ground. It will take a couple of people to lift the door up. The garage door opener will be able to pull light metal doors or single-car doors up, but you will be clearly able to hear the difference in openers' operation. Keeping and using your garage door with a broken spring is dangerous and can cause irreparable damage to the door and/or the garage door opener.

Garage door spring replacement. Torsion springs.

Broken garage door spring
Torsion spring replacement
Garage door spring replacement

Garage door torsion springs are the most common spring systems and are used in most commercial and residential doors. The torsion spring system is the safest of them all. Springs are mounted on a torsion tube, and when they break, all broken pieces remain on that torsion tube.
Pricing. Like we mentioned above, there are many different door types, weights, and systems. High lift, low headroom, 12-15-18 radius rails, doors. 1-2-3-4 springs. Each door will require a different spring coil diameter, different lengths. All standard springs should have a life expectancy of a minimum of 10.000 cycles. We use high-quality oil-tempered springs for our 10-15k and 20-30k cycles.

  • How torsion garage door springs work

    When you are closing your garage door, torsion springs are winding up. In a fully closed position, your torsion springs are under the highest tension, and at that position, springs are most likely to break. If you have a two-car garage door, then you would probably have two torsion springs that are connected together on top of your overhead garage door. Each spring is designed to lift half of your garage door weight and that is why your overhead garage door appears to be nearly weightless when you lift it up manually, but this is an illusion. Average steel overhead garage door weights ~ 220lbs. In case of a torsion spring failure while the door is in an open position it will suddenly gain ~110lbs and if the door is disengaged from the garage door opener it will drop down with a force of ~110lbs. That is why we strongly recommend you and your family members never walk or stand under your overhead garage door when you open or close it.

    Torsion garage door spring life expectancy

    Oil tempered torsion garage door springs have a life expectancy that ranges from 10.000 to 12.000 cycles. Galvanized torsion garage door springs have a life expectancy that ranges from 10.000 to 15.000 cycles. The galvanizing process softens the steel and it becomes less fraudulent, but it loses its tension faster and has to be frequently readjusted to prevent overload damage to the opener. Garage door springs experience tremendous forces every time your overhead garage door opens or closes.  Slowly with time, the spring fatigues with each flexure, and at some point, it cracks and breaks. One thing that you should consider is that replacing only one spring will take the same time and effort as replacing both springs and your second spring has reached the same amount of cycles and its breaking will soon follow.  

    Torsion spring size determination

    Different doors use different size torsion springs it depends on the weight of the door. For us to be able to determine the exact spring size we’ll need the diameter of the spring, the length of the springs coil, and the gauge of the coil. But be aware of improper prior installations. Many times we encounter the wrong type or size of spring prior to installations and in that case, we have to use a scale to determine the weight of the door.

Wayne Dalton, Torquemaster Spring replacement

Broken garage door torque master spring
Torque master spring replacement
Garage door spring replacement

Some years ago, Wayne Dalton Came up with the TorqueMaster torsion spring system. But some years later, this type was discontinued. Wayne Dalton continues manufacturing the springs, but most of their Suppliers do not stock them any longer. Spring cost will vary from $160-$200 per spring, depending on the door model. Ordering times are long and can take up to two weeks. So, we recommend converting the TorqueMaster spring system to the standard torsion spring system in most cases. We carry all needed parts to do the conversion, new springs, torsion tube, end bearing and center plates, new cables, and cable drums. Total conversion cost ranges from $340-$640; in all cases, the conversion is cheaper and can be completed faster than TorqueMaster spring replacement.

One Piece Garage door spring replacement.

Broken garage door extension spring
Extension spring replacement
Garage door spring replacement

One-piece doors, in most cases, will have Holmes hardware. Depending on the size and weight of the door powered by 2 or 4 springs. All new Holmes springs have a safety mechanism that prevents damages to the surrounding areas in spring breakage. The cost of spring replacement starts from $140 parts and labor.

Canopy Door Spring Replacement

Canopy doors are very similar to one-piece doors. The only difference is that canopy doors have a vertical track, and the top portion of the door slides on that track. The spring hardware lifts the bottom part of the door. Hardware is usually powered by only one large spring on each side of the door. All springs for this type of door system are custom ordered. And the price starts at $200 per spring.

Extension springs replacement.

There is a minimal amount of garage doors with extension springs left out there. Most doors switched to the standard torsion spring system, mainly because the extension spring system is unsafe, even with some attempts to secure it. And it is also very hard to balance the springs because they are not connected one with the other.